4390 Colfax Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91604
We livestream and record every 10am Sunday service, so you can join us from anywhere, anytime in the world.
Dynamic preaching echoes the day’s scripture reading and highlights how ancient wisdom can help us navigate our modern lives. Wonderful music from our Chancel choir features a blend of classical, rousing gospel, and inspirational contemporary music. The great traditional hymns, accompanied by our 71-rank Rogers pipe organ, are always sung, but on any given Sunday you may hear more recent Christian music as well from soloists and our talented in-house instrumentalists.
First Christian Church of North Hollywood does not have a dress code, so you’ll see everything from dresses, suits, and ties to jeans and sandals. Your choice.
Children join their parents in the sanctuary and participate in the Children’s Message on the chancel steps before leaving for Sunday School. Families may also choose to stay together in the sanctuary during worship. Nursery care is provided by a trained and attentive staff.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week, and all are welcome to participate. The communion wine is non-alcoholic (including a gluten-free version), and we offer matzah and bread.
Following Sunday service, we enjoy meet & greet time with refreshments in our Social Hall - accessible by inside stairs or a chair lift to ensure that all can be part of this special community-building time.
On Sunday mornings, we gather in the Bride’s room at 10:30 am for Sunday school.
Our 6th-8th grade students meet in the Youth Hut during Sunday service.
On Sunday mornings, children in Kindergarten through 5th grade begin their mornings in in the sanctuary with their family. They are welcome to participate in the children’s message every Sunday on the chancel steps before going to the chapel for music, worship, a weekly bible story, communion, and offering.
After this group time together, the children go to their classrooms, grouped by age: Kindergarten/1st grade; 2nd-3rd; and 4th/5th. There they continue their lesson, work on crafts, and have a snack.
Toddlers (2-3 1/2 years old) join our Toddler Room, while our 3 1/2 – 5-year-olds sit with their parents at the beginning of service, and then go to the Pre-School Room for Sunday School after the Children’s Message. Staff leads the children in a weekly bible story, crafts, worship music and provides tasty snacks.
Our youngest children enjoy our nurturing nursery on Sunday mornings with complimentary childcare by our trained, caring, and attentive staff.
It is important to our community that all ages are wrestling and engaging the same story on a given Sunday. That way, we can foster conversations at home and between one another after church. Research tells us that relationships in a diverse community improve our mental health. Spiritually, we know that it is vital in our walk with Jesus. In other words, when a child shares the story about their craft with another adult at church, they are both able to walk closer to Jesus because they are in community with one another. We are an intentionally intergenerational church.