Sunday classes will be hosted at the church in the Annex. This is the building behind the sanctuary.
A very important part of the class is the selection and presence of a youth mentor. The mentor is an adult, 23 years or older, who journeys along with your youth. They offer vital support and wisdom each week as the youth learn and engage. This year, we are giving youth participants the opportunity to reach out to an adult in the congregation and choose their mentor. We ask that there only be one mentor to one youth. We also ask that the mentor is not an employee of the church as we are already engaged in mentorship with youth each week. When you decide and confirm with the mentor, please let us know and we will document this. If you are new to the church or not familiar with the congregation just yet, Pastor Jonathan can help you find someone you’d feel comfortable with.
On Easter Sunday, April 20th at 6:00am, we will baptize all youth participants. Our youth are not only being baptized into the faith, but into this congregation. The mentors, teachers, and pastors will be present. We also invite you to share this with your family and friends who’d like to come.
Once we identify who the mentors will be, I will reach out to you all and figure out a schedule for lunches. A good meal helps us think! If you can please inform me on your registration form of your youth’s allergies and/or preferences that would be great.
Registration Form
If you are interested and would like to sign up your youth for this opportunity, please do so soon. Click the button below for a link to the form which can be emailed to Pastor Jonathan. Or, you can pick up and fill out a paper copy in the nathex and submit it to Pastor Jonathan in person, or scan the completed form and email him. The deadline to submit forms is Sunday, March 2nd.
Absence or Withdrawal from the Class
If at any point your youth is going to miss a class, arrive late, leave early, or withdraw, please inform me at least 24 hours in advance. We strongly encourage all participants to attend each full class. Any materials that are missed, makes it difficult to catch up. Please be sure to plan for these classes each week.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Jonathan. We look forward to starting this journey with you!
What is a Pastor’s Class?
Pastor’s Class is a 6-week class for youth to connect their story to God’s story. The class covers topics such as our local church, our denomination (Christian Church Disciples of Christ), baptism, scripture, and Lent to name a few. The youth will also have the opportunity to come up with a service project of their very own. At the end of the class, the youth will be baptized and recognized for their commitment.
Our first class together will be during the Ash Wednesday service on March 5th at 5:30pm.
The remaining classes will be on the following Sundays (after worship):
March 9th 11:45am - 2:00pm
March 16th 11:45am - 2:00pm
March 23rd 11:45am - 2:00pm
March 30th 11:45am - 2:00pm
April 6th 11:45am - 2:00pm
April 13th 11:45am - 2:00pm
The last gathering will be a brief meeting prior to baptisms during the 6:00am Easter Worship Service on Sunday April 20th.
As our children transition into their teenage years, their relationship with Jesus deepens and becomes increasingly personal. Chi Rho is tailored specifically for middle school youth, providing a space where they can engage in discussions, ask questions, and explore various aspects of faith, life, and the Bible. Our gatherings are filled with laughter and camaraderie, featuring enjoyable games, delicious food, and a supportive bully-free atmosphere. We meet on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:00 in the Youth Hut for after-school sessions focused on study and fellowship and on Sunday mornings for Sunday school.
CYF, short for Christian Youth Fellowship, is a collective of young disciples navigating the challenging years of high school together. Our discussion-based group focuses on faith, relationships, family dynamics, societal issues, and the complexities of life. We believe that a community that plays, feasts, and prays together not only flourishes but also equips its members to become catalysts for positive change in the world around us. Sunday nights (6:30 - 8:00 pm) are dedicated to fellowship and engaging in various enjoyable activities.
All Sunday school aged students receive a Bible lesson that correlates with the sermon being given that day. This way families can discuss them more in length at home. Sometimes the kids act out skits, have an art project and/or a science experiment that enhances what they are learning about that day. Older kids take turns reading passages from the Bible, put on skits, and play other games to help teach their lesson. They are given water and snacks.
1. Recap the children’s message for additional thoughts or ideas. Or we talk about what we will be learning in that day’s Sunday school lesson.
2. Share announcements of upcoming events - for example, the flower processional for Palm Sunday, Trunk or Treat, camps, etc.
3. Three volunteers help serve the offering and communion to everyone. They get to explain what the offering and communion are for, or they can ask for help, and then another child will share with everyone the reason why we do it.
4. Every month, on the 2nd Sunday, we have that month’s birthday kids come forward. We talk about what we like about each kid and why they are special. Then we sing happy birthday to them. (We have cupcakes and the birthday kids get to pick out 3 small gifts.)
5. During October and November, we also practice the songs and choreography for the Christmas pageant before they are released to their Sunday school and youth classes.
Nursery through preschool children can go straight to their Sunday school classroom as soon as they arrive. They are also welcome to stay in service if that’s what their family prefers. They can stay with their parents the entire time or go to Sunday school when all the kids leave after the children’s message. Kids sit with their parents until they are called forward for the Children’s message during Pass the Peace. We like them to get a taste of our worship service, as well as exposing them to the arts and prayer. We encourage any child who’s interested to join one of our choirs. The kids love watching and supporting their friends when they perform. The Children’s Youth Director gives a short children’s sermon on the steps at the front of the church with all the children and youth before heading off to chapel and Sunday school.
Youth choir, 6th – 12th grade, generally rehearses after church is over in the annex from 11:15 to noon. Currently they are rehearsing with the children’s choir at 9 am as they are working together on several songs for upcoming performances in March and April. They sing more complex songs and work on harmonies. They are also provided with a snack.
Children’s choir, kindergarten through 5th grade, rehearses from 9-9:45 am in the Annex. They practice songs to sing during the 10 am service and other special occasions (like Christmas Eve). They warm up their voices, learn different aspects of music, do rhythm games, and also are provided with a snack before church/Sunday school begins.
"First Christian Church of North Hollywood, since its beginning, has been a place for families to be able to learn, grow, and play. Our denomination - the Christian Church (DOC) - has always valued education and critical thinking. This is why Christian Nursery School is a place where children learn about such things as the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It is for this reason that many families from a variety of backgrounds feel comfortable sharing life with our community. It is a safe place for all!"
- Rev. Dr, Jonathan B. Hall, Senior Pastor